…Décor Elements that is! This is a project I did that took less than 15 minutes! Super quick and simple.
I purchased this frame a couple of weeks ago and wanted to dress it up a bit, so I dug out this set of 4 words in black (Inspiration #116187 $6.95). This particular décor element is available in Black, Chocolate or Kraft. You can check out many of our other decor elements in our Definitely Decorative Brochure.
To start, I cut out the images to the size I wanted and made sure they fit in my frame.
Using the Décor Elements Applicator (#114285 $2.25) I burnished the back of the paper (grid side) to release it from the backing paper. For a larger image, start in the center and work towards the outside edges. For a small image like this one, I just moved side to side.
Slowly peel the back grid paper off. If any of your design is still stuck to the backing paper, just lay it down and burnish again.
When you reach the edge of your design, be careful to hold the edge of your paper down – it will have a tendency to curl under itself and can stick to your work surface. Not a good thing to have happen (don’t ask how I found this out).
Carefully lay your image on the surface you are adhering it too. The image and paper is sticky so you won’t need any additional adhesive.
Using the applicator, once again go over your image. This will help to transfer the image to your surface of choice.
Slowly peel off the front transfer paper. If any of your design has not fully transferred, just lay the sheet down again and go over it with your applicator.
All done!
To finish it off for now, I added some left over retired designer paper I had and will add pictures of my family at some point. Because the design is on the front of the glass, I can switch out the pictures or paper as often as I'd like.
Ta Da!
Here are a few fabulous examples from other demonstrators using some of our other decor elements on glass. Enjoy!

Watch for details regarding an upcoming class I will be offering using our Decor Elements!
Happy Stamping!